Your Daily Bible Verse : 366 Verses Correlated by Month and Day
by Rachelle Ayala
2020-05-11 12:47:56
Your Daily Bible Verse : 366 Verses Correlated by Month and Day
by Rachelle Ayala
2020-05-11 12:47:56
Bible Verses correlated by Month and Day to Chapter and Verse starting from January 1 and Genesis 1:1 to December 31 and Mark 12:31.Need a memory verse? or a life verse? Curious which verse correlates to your birthday or anniversary?There's a...
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Bible Verses correlated by Month and Day to Chapter and Verse starting from January 1 and Genesis 1:1 to December 31 and Mark 12:31.Need a memory verse? or a life verse? Curious which verse correlates to your birthday or anniversary?There's a special verse for each of the 366 days of the year. Includes Bible Verse Memorization tips.