Manipulation: Hidden Aggression, Blackmail, and Subconscious Tricks
by Cammy Fetchens 2020-05-28 16:41:35
Can you see through manipulation tactics?Do you think people are manipulating you right now?People manipulate all the time, even when they don't realize it. But the trick is to notice it when it's happening. There are some common myths about it, thou... Read more
Can you see through manipulation tactics?Do you think people are manipulating you right now?People manipulate all the time, even when they don't realize it. But the trick is to notice it when it's happening. There are some common myths about it, though, so we'll debunk those first. Next, we'll go into the best ways to spot manipulators, how to outsmart them, and how to see through the hidden signs of aggression. Other topics like NLP and social media manipulation will be addressed too. All in all, this book can give you a lot of insights into the use of persuasion and manipulation. You'll see what's going on... what's REALLY going on when people are saying things. Less
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  • Print pages
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 8.50(w)x11.00(h)x0.1
  • 70
  • Independently published
  • February 13, 2020
  • 9798613290505
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