More Seriously Silly Stories!
by Laurence Anholt 2020-08-23 22:19:46
Once upon a time there was a silly-billy who carried a cow, a Bad Hair Witch and three pesky pigs - but did they all live happily ever after? Open up to find out what happens next in these brain-ticklingly brilliant Seriously Silly Stories! They're s... Read more
Once upon a time there was a silly-billy who carried a cow, a Bad Hair Witch and three pesky pigs - but did they all live happily ever after? Open up to find out what happens next in these brain-ticklingly brilliant Seriously Silly Stories! They're scarily silly! Includes Daft Jack and the Bean Stack (shortlisted for the Sheffield Children's Book Award), Shampoozel (Children's Book Award Pick of the Year) and Eco-Wolf and the Three Pigs (shortlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards). Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • October 4, 2012
  • eng
  • 9781408324196
Author Laurence Anholt has been writing children's books since 1984, many illustrated by his wife Cathy, but he also works with other artists and illustrates himself. His books have been won the Smart...
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