No More Than the Feathers of a Wing
2020-07-16 19:54:10
Thief is a young magpie who decides not to leave the nest as she is too attached to its walls and all the objects inside it. But these objects also weigh her life down to the point that in the end she has to make a drastic choice. Will she carry on l... Read more
Thief is a young magpie who decides not to leave the nest as she is too attached to its walls and all the objects inside it. But these objects also weigh her life down to the point that in the end she has to make a drastic choice. Will she carry on living a lonely life as a slave to her desires or will she change direction and face a life that is just as solitary but free from the chains that Thief herself had used to tie her to her “treasures”? Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781071537770
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