Comoens the Lyricks Part I: Sonnets, Canzons, Odes and Sextines (1884): by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah; Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Captain Close and Sergeant Croesus Two Novels: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Nile Basin: Part 1, Showing Tanganyika To Be Ptolemy's Western Lake Reservoir : A Memoir Read Before The Royal: by Richard Francis. - Burton
by Richard Francis. - Burton
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Madinah and Meccah: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
A Mission To Gelele, King To Dahome: With Notices Of The So Called amazons The Grand Customs, The Yearly Customs, The Human Sacrif: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Camoens, Volume 1: His Life and His Lusiads - A Commentary (1881): by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Nile Basin: Part I: Showing Tanganyika to Be Ptolemy's Western Lake Resevoir; a Memoir ... With Prefatory Remar: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Sentiment of the Sword; a Countryhouse Dialogue. Edited, With Notes: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Unexplored Syria: Visits To The Libanus, The Tulúl El Safá, The Anti-libanus, The Northern Libanus, And The 'aláh: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Hindu Art of Love: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po, Volume II: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
A Plain And Literal Translation Of The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Now Entitled The Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night Vol: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night: A Plain And Literal Translation Of The Arabian Nights Entertainments: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam ... Edited with a preface and brief notes by W. H. Wilkins. - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Der Nil Und Seine Quellen: Reisen Nach Den Binnenseen Afrika's Und Entdeckung Der Quellen Des Nils, 1857-63...: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Zanzibar: City, Island, and Coast, Volume 2: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains: An Exploration, Volume 2: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities, a Fortnight's Tour in North-Western Arabia [Ed. by Isabel, Lady Burton]: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Land Of Midian (revisited) Two Volumes In One: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 8: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
To the Gold Coast for Gold - A Personal Narrative - Vol 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Re Creation of Brian Kent: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Die Goldminen von Midian: Reisen und Forschungen im Biblischen Land 1877 Richard Francis Burton Author: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Marocco and the Moors: Being an Account of Travels, With a General Description of the Country and Its People: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Sind Revisited: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night, Volume 7: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton