Healing Chronic Candida
by Cynthia Perkins 2020-09-03 03:15:40
Chronic candida is an invisible epidemic in our society today that is lacking a complete and effective health care regimen. Millions of people are suffering unwittingly with this condition as it may be an underlying contributor to numerous gastrointe... Read more
Chronic candida is an invisible epidemic in our society today that is lacking a complete and effective health care regimen. Millions of people are suffering unwittingly with this condition as it may be an underlying contributor to numerous gastrointestinal disturbances, mental health conditions, neurological disorders, impaired cognitive or learning functions, antisocial behavior and conduct disorders, autoimmunity, addiction, inflammation, genitourinary, metabolic and endocrine system disorders, and much more. Holistic health counselor Cynthia Perkins has diligently researched the topic for nearly three decades and presents her findings in this groundbreaking book. Healing Chronic Candida is your definitive guide to combating yeast overgrowth and its associated conditions. As the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on the subject at this time, it tackles critical issues that are often overlooked in the literature and treatment itself that can undermine healing like mutation and resistance, biofilms, co-infection with other microbes like SIBO, excess sympathetic nervous system activity, adrenal fatigue, sugar and carb addiction, contraindications with nutritional supplements or antifungals and other complications like excess histamine and glutamate. Supported by hundreds of scientific studies Healing Chronic Candida will help you understand the magnitude and complexity of the problem, identify common yeast related conditions and develop a self-care protocol that optimizes your healing. It dispels the common myths and misinformation that abound around this topic and empowers the individual by arming them with the cutting-edge knowledge needed to take control of their own healing journey. Integrative Psychiatrist, Dr. James Greenblatt, writes in the foreword that "Healing Chronic Candida is the most innovative, inclusive treatment model for candida I have encountered." Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 6.20(w)x9.00(h)x0.70(d)
  • 222
  • Turner Publishing Company
  • April 10, 2018
  • eng
  • 9781630268589
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