Authors | NA NA
Paul Ginsborg is Professor of Contemporary European History in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Florence. His previous publications include Daniele Manin and the Venetian Revolution of 1848-1849.

Books by NA NA

Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961: by NA NA
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Wage Differentials: An International Comparison: by NA NA
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The European Union and Asean: Trade and Investment Issues: by NA NA
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Contemporary Debates in Islam: An Anthology of Modernist and. Fundamentalist Thought: by NA NA
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The Discourse of Human Rights in China: Historical And Ideological Perspectives: by NA NA
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Beyond the Bottom Line: The Search For Dignity At Work: by NA NA
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The Indonesian Economy in Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Lessons: by NA NA
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Building the Innovative Organization: Management Systems That Encourage Innovation: by NA NA
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Durrell: My Family And Other Animals: by NA NA
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The Shiites: by NA NA
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Listening To Heloise: The Voice Of A Twelfth-century Woman: by NA NA
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Our Hearts Fell to the Ground: Plains Indian Views of How the West Was Lost: by NA NA
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Toleration, Identity and Difference: by NA NA
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Republican Theory in Political Thought: Virtuous Or Virtual?: by NA NA
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The Politics of Hunger in India: A Study of Democracy, Governance and Kalahandi's Poverty: by NA NA
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Ethnic Challenges to the Modern Nation State: by NA NA
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Breast Cancer: Society Shapes an Epidemic: by NA NA
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Bronte: Jane Eyre: by NA NA
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Miller: The Crucible: by NA NA
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Eastern Europe in the Postwar World: by NA NA
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Romania Versus the United States: Diplomacy of the Absurd 1985-1989: by NA NA
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Dreams and Destinies: by NA NA
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A. E. Housman: A Reassessment: by NA NA
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Drugs in South Asia: From the Opium Trade to the Present Day: by NA NA
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New Larkins for Old: Critical Essays: by NA NA
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European Communism Since 1989: Towards a New European Left?: by NA NA
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The Marshall Plan: Fifty Years After: by NA NA
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The Global Crisis Makers: An End to Progress and Liberty?: by NA NA
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The Eclipse of Keynesianism: The Political Economy of the Chicago Counter-Revolution: by NA NA
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Managing the World Economy: by NA NA
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