The Management Guide to Planning: Taking Control and Making Things Happen
by William Shakespeare
2020-06-09 11:34:24
The Management Guide to Planning: Taking Control and Making Things Happen
by William Shakespeare
2020-06-09 11:34:24
Being successful does not usually happen by accident. It is generally acknowledged that following an overall plan plays a large part in the process. Planning is the activity to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. It is an integral...
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Being successful does not usually happen by accident. It is generally acknowledged that following an overall plan plays a large part in the process. Planning is the activity to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. It is an integral part of all work-related activities and consists of analysing your current situation, deciding on your objectives, plotting your action and then getting on with it. This book helps you to get to grips with planning. 'Planning is the compass that helps you determine what needs to be done today to make it more likely that your aims and objectives are achieved tomorrow. With a plan you have greater control, make things happen and are more likely to achieve that elusive prize - success.'