Authors | Mary Randolph
Mary Randolph
Mary Randolph was an American author, known for writing The Virginia House-Wife; Or, Methodical Cook, one of the most influential housekeeping and cook books of the 19th century. She was the first person known to be buried at what would become known ... Read more

Books by Mary Randolph

The Virginia Housewife: Or, Methodical Cook (American Antiquarian Cookbook Collection): by Mary Randolph
by Mary Randolph
The Executor's Guide: Settling a Loved One's Estate or Trust: by Mary Randolph
by Mary Randolph
The Virginia Housewife Mary Randolph Author: by Mary Randolph
by Mary Randolph
The Virginia Housewife: Or, Methodical Cook: A Facsimile of an Authentic Early American Cookbook Mary Randolph Author: by Mary Randolph
by Mary Randolph