Authors | Beatriz Scaglia
Beatriz Scaglia

Books by Beatriz Scaglia

Wrecked At Sea: The Mary Rose: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Americana Road Travel: Focus On U.s. Route 51: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Wrecked At Sea: Hms Victory And Ss Republic: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
A Party For All: Political Parties In The United States, Vol. Ix: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Phobic Mind: Phobias, Vol. Iv Including Algophobia, Tokophobia And More: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Political Systems, Political Thought: Focus On Sultanates: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
They Matter: The Nobel Prize In Physics 1980-1989: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Wonders Of The World: Focus On The Wonders Of Ukraine: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Notable Women And Broken Ceilings: Female Firsts In Medicine Including Elizabeth Blackwell, Emma Willits, Lucy Hobbs Taylor And Mo: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Political Systems, Political Thought: Focus On Anarchy: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Political Ideologies: Types Of Feminist Ideology Including Liberal Feminism, Postmodern Feminism, Socialist Feminism And: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
For All Mankind: Philanthropy And The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
For All Mankind: Philanthropy And Bono: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Political Systems, Political Thought: Focus On Influential Political Philosophers Including Confucius, Thomas Aquinas, Voltaire, T: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Latin American Continent Of South America: Featuring The Oriental Republic Of Uruguay: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Trafficking, Trade And Terror: The United States' War On Drugs: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Business Principles: Focus On The Textile And Fashion Industries: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The 150th Anniversary: Remembering The First Shot At Fort Sumter, General Beauregard, Major Anderson And South Carolina Le: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Worldwide Diversity and Taste: Focus on the Cuisines of Canada, Mexico and Native Americans: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Worldwide Diversity And Taste: Focus On The Cuisines Of The Southern United States Including Barbecue And Soul Food: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The National Founders And History Of Asia: Sacrifices For The Greater Asia: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Aesthetic Variable: Defining The Contemporary Art Movement Of The 1960s (abstract Imagists, Hard-edge, Minimalism, Neo-: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Aesthetic Variable: Defining The Contemporary Art Movement Of The 1990s (cynical Realism, Bioart, Internet Art, Massurr: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Aesthetic Variable: Defining The Contemporary Art Movement Of The 2000s (classical Realism, Relational Art, Street Art,: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Controversy Of Fur: Animal Farming, Trapping, Trading, And Fur Clothing: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
Spatial Aspect: A Study Of The Solar System From Discovery Through Exploration: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Mineral Industry of the British Empire and Foreign Countries War Period Tungsten (1913-1919): by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Vast Continent Of Asia: Featuring Japan: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Vast Continent Of Asia: Featuring The Islamic Republic Of Iran: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia
The Vast Continent Of Asia: Featuring The Republic Of India: by Beatriz Scaglia
by Beatriz Scaglia