Strength in Stillness : Clean Your Soul and Enjoy Deep Meditation
by James Singer
2020-05-30 10:44:40
Strength in Stillness : Clean Your Soul and Enjoy Deep Meditation
by James Singer
2020-05-30 10:44:40
Heart is the most important organ in the body. It purifies the body by circulating blood. Heart is much more than an organ. It's the seat of soul. If one can keep the heart clean and purified, half of his/her anxiety, fear, negative thinking vanishes...
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Heart is the most important organ in the body. It purifies the body by circulating blood. Heart is much more than an organ. It's the seat of soul. If one can keep the heart clean and purified, half of his/her anxiety, fear, negative thinking vanishes. In this book, we prescribe a practical heart based Meditation and cleaning method to purify heart. Meditation means concentrating your mind on God, God resides at heart of each of His creation. So heart is the best place to find God. Cleaning heart reduces unnecessary thoughts and make mind peaceful, then meditation allows us connect to the divinity inside us. Touch your heart chakra, close your eyes and try to meditate for few minutes, thoughts will arise, try to ignore them, these thoughts take power from you and the more attention you pay to your thoughts, it become more stronger, it is not easy to ignore thoughts, but it is possible.